The WiFi/Bluetooth module is controlled via the secondary SPI include a dual-core system with two Harvard Architecture Xtensa LX6 CPUs operating at a maximum 240 MHz internal clock frequency (an esp32). External Interrupts: All digital pins (all analog pins can also be used as interrput pins, but will have duplicated interrupt numbers).256-Channel capacitive touch and proximity sensing.10-bit, 350 ksps Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC).One 12-bit, 350ksps Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) with up to 20 channels.One two-channel Inter-IC Sound (I2S) interface.Up to six Serial Communication Interfaces (SERCOM), each configurable for various protocol.32-bit Real Time Counter (RTC) with clock/calendar function.12-channel Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC).Two-pin Serial Wire Debug (SWD) programming, test and debugging interface.Internal clock 32.768 kHz (RTC), 48 MHz.Power-on Reset (POR) and Brown-out Detection (BOD).256 KB in-system self-programmable Flash.ARM® Cortex®-M0+ CPU ATSAMD21G18A running at up to 48 MHz.